Last fall this 1933 Ford Coupe was pulled out of a garage were it has been resting since 1970. Fresh gas and a charged battery was all that was needed for the old girl to fire up. Next stop was POSIES were we have begun the transformation into a 60′s period hot rod. The customer chose a 1953 Flathead for power backed by a T-5, using a wilcap adapter. The flathead is being built with Edelbrock, Stromberg and Isky products along with other hop up parts. The mechanical brakes were removed and a set of Boling Bros Lincoln brakes were installed with a POSIES designed reverse master cylinder mount that uses the stock clutch/brake pedal assembly. Super Slide Springs are installed on the super bell front I Beam axle and the Winter’s banjo rear. Check back for updates……

- Ready for sand blasting
- Welding the Split Wishbone Ends
- POSIES Mounting Kit #1211K
- Wisnhbones Installed
- Lincoln Drum Brakes
- POSIES SuperSlde Spring
- Reverse Mount Master Cylinder
- Stock Rear Spring Crossmember
- Modifications Started
- Finished Rear Spring Crossmember Widened to fit POSIES AJ40NH Spring